Sometimes I ache for the simple days.
The younger years.
When everything seemed so incredibly serious.
The thoughts that buzzed around my head as I hit high school in the late ’80’s were…….
- The Blue Light Disco is next Friday and Mum says I can’t go because I have been ‘running with myself’ lately.
- Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) is heading to Surf Side Caravan Park over Summer except me, because Dad has cows to milk. I hate the farm. I hate cows. I hate the world.
- I hope she has extra canteen money at recess so she can buy me a Summer Nougat roll, or better still, a frozen yoghurt.
- My boyfriend was looking…like LOOKING looking at that dog during PE class.
- Yep. I got dropped.
- I can’t find my fingerless gloves!
- Is that actually cellulite??
- My sister borrowed my purple converse socks and now she’s lost one. Typical.
- And she used all the coconut oil. How on earth will I get an even tan?
- Which Impulse smells the most sophisticated?
- Summer uniform. Maths class. Think I might have just got my period. I cannot stand up for the rest of the day.
- My Rome sneaker has got a hole in it.
- Neighbours and Home and Away is finishing for the Summer. What am I going to do with my life?
- My perm has dropped.
- Will I have enough money to buy the next Smash Hits magazine with the poster of Bros in it?
- Great. Gigantic, massive zit right between my eyes on school photo day AND I’ve run out of hairspray.
- I think…well I know but I’m obviously not owning up to it…that that’s my tampon the Yr 11 boys are kicking down the corridor.
- Will the old licence belonging to my big sister pass for fake ID and how will I remember what star sign she is if I’m asked?
- I don’t even like beer.
- I can’t find my MUM roll-on deodorant in my bag and I think I smell, so I’ll just have to keep my woollen school jumper on all day in 35 degree heat and tell everyone that the heat doesn’t bother me at all.
- I had two weeks to do that assignment, it is due tomorrow, and I just saw that Cocktail (with that hottie Tom Cruise) is on the telly tonight.
- Can I actually do the drawback?
- It’s just that, I thought it meant more than just a party pash.
- Whatever. I have SOOOO got the hots for his brother now.
- Oh…but he has already kissed my best friend.
- When I have kids, I am so going to be a ‘cool’ mum.
- Will actually ironing my hair cause long term damage?
- We lost the basketball Grand Final…again.
- The vinyl seat in the station wagon is burning but Dad is yelling at us to hurry up and get in the car.
- My cassette player just chewed up my ‘Best of’ tape.
- I seriously have NO idea what I want to do after Yr 12.
- Can I dry my fave school socks in the microwave?
- Boys. Boys, boys, boys, boys, BOYS.
- Boys
These were absolutely HUGE issues at the time. Quite seriously, I am not underestimating just how important developing coping strategies are for teens going through these experiences at that stage in their lives.
But remember when we had no bills to pay? No kids to constantly worry about?
Remember when we could sleep in till noon on the school holidays? We had no screens, only two TV channels and we had to get outside in the fresh air to find some fun.
Remember when we could lounge about watching Countdown and not feel guilty for sitting still? Sure; it was bloody corned beef and potatoes for dinner again, but we didn’t have to cook it.
Nah…me neither.

Weren’t we gorgeous? Me with my bestie; was then, still is now.