funny the moments you remember.
second baby was only a couple of weeks old and already she was exhibiting signs
of her ‘wilful’ and ‘feisty’ character (read…she was a fussy feeder and not a
good sleeper…) However, at this moment both kids were tucked up in bed and I
was standing at the kitchen bench chopping up a fruit salad. I was showered, I
was wearing clean, freshly laundered clothes, I had dabbed on some lip gloss
and perfume, and I was intent on preparing nutritious and fresh food.
was all over this.
was Supermum.
right that very second, dammit, I was!
just that my foggy, sleep deprived mind could not follow whatever it was
Husband was talking to me about, and I was constantly holding my breath
anxiously straining to hear any stirrings (or more likely screams), coming from
the babies. This parenting gig? Always a rollercoaster. Such a fabulous ride,
but oh those lows sucked.
are my ramblings today, I hear you urge…?
know when you literally first come home from hospital with a new baby? You are
still coasting on adrenalin and pretending you can do it all? Often your
partner has a bit of time off and is desperately pacing about handing you towels,
washing bottles, trying to help, wanting to DO something? This is perfect.
from hospital and arrive home to this….. let me explain…..
have discovered a new genius way to fake that I can cook and I had it all
delivered to my door (hearing strains of Paul Kelly, there, anyone with me?).
In a nutshell, HelloFresh, will deliver a box containing fresh ingredients for 3
(or 5) main meals straight to you. No; it is not frozen; nor is it a diet trick
thingy (though still satisfyingly healthy – did I really just say that?!). It
has EVERYTHING you need, but you do actually need to cook. They promote it as
being ‘idiot proof’…ha! They do know me and my (lack of) skills! A few pantry
items like salt and pepper are required, but even I had it no bother.
think and you do not need to shop for meals.
right there, is the clincher for me.
is all done for you. Open the box, grab out the glossy, clear recipe cards (including
step-by-step photos) and pop the perishables in the fridge. Sure, I had to get
to the shops to grab all the other weekly ‘stuff’, but the meal plan brain
freeze burden was lifted from my shoulders. It also includes lots of tips,
ideas and suggestions (who knew you could eat parsley stems?).
you would need to get online and check out delivery areas and times. Mine was
quite a big chunk of hours for its delivery and I was a little concerned I
would be housebound (we have a ridiculous big locked fence – am sure they could
just leave it for those working; it was well packed with cooler bags), but it
actually CAME EARLY! Unheard of!

Lamb Flatbreads with Fresh Tomato. Despite my 2 year old crying for cuddles
the very second I collected the ingredients from the fridge (add 15 mins to
estimated cooking time!), I nailed it. I don’t especially like tomato, but
drowned in lemony yoghurt I declare I did a sensational job in the kitchen.
Husband worshipped at my feet (well, in my mind he did) and there was also heaps
for two little kids who don’t really eat all that much… I had a fleeting
kitchen goddess moment.
Then I moved on to my fave, Zucchini and Parmesan Topped Chicken, and personally enjoyed smashing the chicken fillets down after a hectic afternoon of transformers at the playground. Again, simple idea, yet just ‘fancied’ up with the chicken topping (just go easy on those chilli flakes)….
Our next meal was a Beef and Garlic Sizzle Stir Fry…basic, standard nosh, but hey; if someone else shops for it, I’m in! The kids loved this one, too. And for once, I actually followed the rice cooking directions (as opposed to throwing it in, boiling the living daylights out of it, and hoping for the best!) and got it just right.
There are family subscription boxes, but they would be
wasted on my cherubs at this age. Add salad and/or bread and meals always
stretch if need be…
it worth it?
the trial boxes are great value. Would I subscribe? Initially I thought no; too
expensive. Then I saw the quality and the quantity. There is no skimping done here
and the produce is top shelf stuff; not mass produced, close to use by date, rubbish.
Your subscription is flexible and you are able to pause (if going off on
holidays for example) or even deactivate if not satisfied.
or even order using the discount they created just for my lovely readers…..MummyMuckups35….
Definitely worth a look.
is a perfect one-off gift box (trial box) for a new mum. If someone had of delivered this to me back in those days of fog, I would have wept with
gratitude and kept those frozen lasagnas till Husband headed back to work.
Sadly; until Masterchef makes it’s way to the comedy channel, I will not be a contestant, but for a few days at least, I managed a slick kitchen service with seriously good food.
Thanks #HelloFreshAU.