It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday here in Australia.
So what’s on your list?
Let’s throw in the ‘wealth’ part, too, just for good measure.
(I would totally be prepared to trial ‘wealth’ to investigate if it really can buy happiness if anyone is happy to donate.)
So I am enjoying reading loads of stuff outlining some fantastic gift ideas and I am completely down with that. I myself, am rocking a pair of fluffity duffity, warm, woolly, mum slippers as an early gift and I am loving myself sick on these chilly evenings.
But I just keep thinking about what I would really and dearly want, and some of it may just be a little out there, but you know what? My blog; my stuff.
- Sleep. Wildly enough, I am actually having a night without children this weekend, but I know from experience that this will not actually be enough. I know from experience, that I will be so damned excited Saturday night about the aforementioned ‘full night’s sleep’, that I will drink possibly a little too exuberantly with my wild window of freedom and friends and even stay up beyond 10pm. Despite this, I will still be the idiot staring at the ceiling at 6am Sunday morning, cursing the impossibility of my possible lie in. So whilst we say we desperately want a night in a hotel away from the kids, I want my very own, extra strength bag of that so called magic sleep dust that I sometimes ‘sprinkle’ in my daughter’s eyes.
- Rosita’s automatic morning mummy machine : Who hasn’t seen SING yet? Please don’t tell me I am the only one to see that conveyor belt ‘breakfast/washing/out the door’ machine and wish for one of my own? I’ll bet out some TayTay and wear sparkly leotards if it gets me one of those beauties!
- A one stop shop makeup ‘wipe on/wipe off’ cream. Amen for photo phone filters, because I struggle with makeup daily and my skin is not getting any younger. The moment you start sighing at the ‘young girls’ at the supermarket who are (in your wisdom) wearing way too much make-up on their beautiful, young skin, well, my friend, you have officially become middle aged (or your mother, but that’s your call to make). I have no time, no skill and no desire to waste my time with makeup, but…well…I still want to look ‘nice’. If only I could just smear a potion on and WA-LAH! Bewdiful!
- A wine sponsorship. Come on guys; surely this would be a great perk for a blogger. I promise I will take loads of photos of me sipping the nectar and post with witty comments all over instagram…heh heh?…anyone in? Have your people call my people.
- Enthusiasm for games. I do love to see my kids happy. But I also (and don’t witch hunt me here) like to be happy, too. I really dislike ‘playing’. At a stretch, I can roll play dough snakes and build dream houses with lego, but the other stuff slowly sucks the life out of me. Is there a quick pill to make me be that mummy at the playground hauling her butt up and down the slide, smiling alongside the littles? Sometimes, as I lie with my eyes shut (obviously playing Sleeping Beauty, you guys), I think of all the other stuff I need to be doing, and the ‘play’ just drains out of me.
- A local bread and milk drive through : Have we not all thought about how this would make us bazillionaires??!! Add a wine option and I would be in the gazillion club.
- Reverse calorie chocolate: Sure, we have all joked about it…BUT when is it actually coming? C’mon – we can put man on the moon but we haven’t sorted this out yet? P-Lease!
- A real sick day : Remember those times? Bit of a flu? Headache? Toothache? “Couldn’t possibly work a full day today,” you would lament. Make the call, send the email, crawl back in to bed. Wake around noon. Bit peckish maybe. Feeling loads better. Maybe even knock back a movie or two. Look; I am obviously not wishing for the actual ‘sick’ part (not for a second do I undervalue my health!!), but surely we have all fantasised about being just ill enough to absolutely HAVE to crawl in to bed and let the world roll on around us. Hot shower, fresh PJ’s, bit of a TV flick.
- A brain “PAUSE” switch : It’s the thinking that gets me sometimes. We think, we overthink, and then we think some more. Lord help me; now I am even thinking about how much thinking I do. Appointments, meals, groceries, lists, shoes, medicine, behaviours-and that’s just the kids. Add work, relationships and myself in there and I spin in to overdrive. Even when I get a ‘break’, I am thinking…wondering about them and missing them, despite desperately needing the time away from them.
Another golden wish, of course, is TIME…something that we all need more of, so I will sign off there.
Sliding back in to my slippers now to go off for some more (over) ‘thinking’ time…
But tell me; what wonderful ‘items’ could you add to this wish list?