Life is good.
How do I know this?
Earlier today I was having a mini mind melt-down. I was cranky and cursing wildly under my breath. My 5 year old daughter quickly hauled me into line when I went waaaaay over the line and dared to utter, ‘STUPID,’ which we all know is a BIG swear, right?!
And what had got me so hot under the mum bun?
My local supermarket had dared to begin ‘renovations’; dared to start work on adding wonderful new bakery, seafood and deli counters (actually, I have no real idea what they are doing, I was too flustered to actually read past the heading on the sign). But roughly translated, what this meant for me, was that I was sinking down the rabbit holes. I was turning corners and finding myself amongst frozen goods, when there should have been toilet rolls. I was flipping that trolley up and down aisles and crossing back and asking anyone who looked kind if they knew where the honey was.
I also had my daughter with me.
Rookie mistake, I know, but I knew this place well (normally). It was to be a simple in and out job. We did make it out alive, but I was so incredibly frustrated with the time wasted and extra public scrutiny of my dealings with the Diva who had an unexpected tour of the confectionery aisle. People, this is hell on earth; a place I regularly avoid with the kids because it only ends in tears. But today I found myself halfway down past the maltesers before I realised I was destined for disaster. “I WANT! I WANT! I WANT,” was heard in Mexico, and I just grabbed blindly and ran.
Raging and flustered I checked out and made for home.
“YOU SAID STUPID!” she hollered in the car.
As I foolishly tripped myself up in mummy lies explaining why sometimes it was OK to say an idea was stupid, not a person as such, blah, blah, blah, “Single Ladies” by Queen B, came on the radio. The little actually started to sing along (or make words up, whatever). Soon we were belting it out together and finger pointing at the car roof and pulling in to our lovely driveway and the sun was sneaking through and today was Friday and the rage was fast forgotten.
How could I have let something so ridiculous throw me like that?
Life is good.
Not perfect.
But pretty great, in fact!
I hate Melbourne winter, but we have excellent heating.
I hit the couch shattered most nights due to kids tantrums and homework and constant demands, but my kids are happy and healthy.
My husband is obsessed with cycling, but he is fit and funny and comes home to me safely.
There is regularly a bill that throws us and we always need something, but we keep on till the next month.
Yes, my back is slowly driving me insane, but I have the means to look in to it and treat it.
Even when l am feeling a bit depleted and flat, I have friends and family on the other end of the phone who put me back in my rightful space.
Actually, I am incredibly lucky.
I know this.
I am grateful for this.
And…well, in hindsight…
I am also grateful for the detour down that confectionary aisle because it has been waaaay too long between Turkish Delights.
Have a fabulous weekend, all. xx