“Please click the LIKE button below and be sure to subscribe for this channel.”
When my 3 year old dropped this little nasty with a tinge of American twang just in mid conversation, I knew she had watched way too many episodes of upbeat, yippety families unwrapping toys on YouTube.
It’s just that I don’t get it.
Most of it.
I am not a tech head and I may slightly vague over and start my mental shopping list when people talk ‘Apps’ to me. But really, I knew it was time to pull my head out of the sand on this one. I am mildly terrified of technology (*cue cold sweaty flashbacks to a blackout computer screen that held a uni assignment only a moment before) and I know I cannot allow my children to feel that way. I want them to be brave and bold and make the most out of their incredible devices; but most importantly, I want them to be responsible…which at the age of 5 and 3, kinda means I needed to be the one to set up some boundaries.
So I decided to breakthrough a few little barriers here. Please disregard if you are all over this, but I really wanted, no needed to get myself on top of this. And guess what, campers, I’m dragging you all along for the ride. Please do not embarrass me by writing, “sooo yesterday,” in the comments; I just wanted this to be super straight talking, basic, baby steps stuff. I am rolling with Apple, because it is my iPhone the kids scream for and we have an iPad at home that the kids can access with permission.
So let’s be clear:
Maybe I should be.
But please note : I am not an IT person. I am not endorsing their stuff and forgive me if my language or instructions aren’t Apple’ish enough.
Even so, I am sending you some Crunch ‘n sip Apple bite size snacks (did I just morph back to school mum?? So fast??)…just a couple…if you like it…I will do some more later.
- To turn your phone on, find the button on the top… (GOTCHA…but I am going to start BASIC)
Questions I have asked myself…
- How can I stop my kids skipping over to scary stuff on Youtube (and all the other crap) when I get distracted with life.
Oh stop judging me. Yes. Yes I do give my kids the iPad if I am working from home, taking an important call or curled up in the fetal position after a particularly bitchin’, long day. Once upon a time, as a kid myself, I was given a big tin of buttons and told to count them (and then count them back in to double check my answer)…whatevs.
But this little tip, which I genuinely had not yet explored (possibly knew it was there, but hadn’t really done the ‘leg’ work as such), has been brillo.
On your iPad :
1. Go to Settings : General : Scroll down to Restrictions
2. Enable Restrictions and create a passcode
3. Choose the apps and features that you wish to restrict
You are super welcome.
And here is another little nugget for when your head is thumping, you’re on a deadline, and your brain is on overload….
2. How can I stop hearing the chirpy, squeaky, over enthusiastic voice overs on kids apps, cranked at full volume?
1. Go to Settings : Music : Volume Limit
2. Set the maximum volume level for your child’s device
….and if you have a budding tech genius, and have set your restrictions in settings as outlined above, you can stop them from changing this by selecting, “Don’t allow changes to volume” in volume limit. BOOM. GOTCHA!
“Too easy,” I hear you say.
“Stuff we all know,” I hear you grumble.
But I didn’t.
I didn’t know just how easy it was, and I hadn’t taken the time yet to sort it out. I was still banking on the kids being too little, but wow how fast do they learn to swipe and click and navigate their way around their devices?
But all this talk has me thinking about Apples…and grapes…and well, I am a little parched…so…
Well, that’s all for this lesson.