And just like that, it is over.
Months of planning and preparation ripped to shreds in a matter of moments.
Santa has been and gone. The old fella did good it seems.
Chaos and late nights ensued as we headed to the country to celebrate with family. Yes, there was Karaoke, Celebrity Heads and waaaaayyyy too much chocolate ripple cake. Ham sandwiches went on for days and the kids bed time was non existent.
New Year’s Eve slid over the line without fuss, though I would like it on record that I did ring in midnight.
Granted it was between scrunched up eyes on the couch watching fireworks, whilst Millsy told some lame jokes at Fed Square. The husband was beside me, though I genuinely think we forgot to kiss and we shuffled off to bed when the fireworks continued to drag on. My highlight of the evening was my enthusiastic plan to prepare chocolate mousse earlier in the day for a treat. I will admit to feeling disappointed when the kids actually liked it a little too much, and despite my declarations of it being veeeerrrry rich and I didn’t want them being sick, there was none left over.
I know. Exciting times, right?
Off to the beach for some family time.
The car was packed to the rafters, with an excessive amount of items that were packed, pulled out, untouched and brought home again. My back slipped within the first hour of arrival (pulling the bags out of the car) and Doctor Pat insisted I stop unpacking and go walk it off along the beach. Whilst I did just want to lay flat and moan, this unsolicited piece of advice actually worked. My back slowly came good over the next few days. Small, but oh so appreciated miracle.
These beach days were pretty blissful I must admit. The kids are getting older. We can go for a meal and actually have conversations. If only they understood that seats were for sitting on (not wriggling, twisting, half on/half off style), we would almost appear civilised. There was one night of crooked sleep at the end of one little sickie’s bed (too much sun and not enough water…ooops, we just got too excited) and the husband really is in pain with his own injury. (Did I mention he is not cycling right now???? Finally I get to see him in the mornings and all I want is for him to get back on it. He is desperately missing the damned saddle and I now realise just how much he needs it!)
And then PFFFTTTT!
Just like that he went back to work and I felt like the first day I was left alone in the house with a newborn baby.
All they want to do is EAT. That hasn’t changed. PLAY is now screen time it seems. I am already nagging and barking out rules and feel like an army major just trying to whip up some activity. In a ridiculous fit of enthusiasm, Day 1 saw me present a craft activity. It went south fast and who knows what the neighbours think of my screeching as paint got seriously out of control. One child ended up in the shower with me vowing never to play Craft Mum again. SLEEP is out the window for all of us. Bedtime is a struggle and that little precious window of couch, TV and husband at the end of the day has simply disappeared into thin air.
I am now the mother of two school aged children.
What does that actually mean? Who even am I if I don’t have a child clinging to me? This whole back to school thing is going to be major in our house this year. For me, not so much the kids. I will not even recognise myself.
And so welcome, 2019. I sincerely hope we will be friends.
I am looking forward to seeing just what you have in store for us.
Please be kind.
Health and happiness for all and more sunshine than last year, please.