When people told me that my babies would, ‘grow up in the blink of an eye, so just enjoy it,’ I popped that little nugget right up alongside the, ‘sleep when the baby sleeps,’ rubbish. You see, it was always said by a smiling elderly lady at the supermarket whilst the kids were screaming for…
mummy bloggers
As a blogger, I have had the opportunity to experience some fairly fabulous things. Sometimes I am sent products to play with and review. I might be invited to a launch of a campaign with a decadent brunch, famous guest speakers that make me tongue tied and sometimes, seriously good goody bags. A day spa?…
FAR FROM IT. I am a blogger. In fact; why dress it down? I am a ‘mummy’ blogger. (*gasp) Sure; I hear some of you moan; don’t pigeon hole; don’t under-value yourself, don’t be gender exclusive; don’t exploit your kids (don’t even go there!) …blah blah blah, etc. But you know what? I write. My…